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Chairperson Dr. Parshuram Maharana (ACWC), Mrs. Manasi Parhi and Mrs. Kanta Mohanty (Members of CWC) and Mrs. Banishree Pattanaik (DCPO) Khordha attended Adoption Awareness Program at SMSS, Bhubaneswar

Chairperson Dr. Parshuram Maharana (ACWC), Mrs. Manasi Parhi and Mrs. Kanta Mohanty (Members of CWC) and Mrs. Banishree Pattanaik (DCPO) Khordha attended Adoption Awareness Program at SMSS, Bhubaneswar

Each year, November is recognized as National Adoption Awareness Month. During the month, states, communities, public and private organizations, businesses, families, and individuals celebrate adoption as a positive way to build families. Activities and observances across the nation, such as recognition dinners, public awareness and recruitment campaigns, and special events shed light on children who are in need of permanent families.