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2nd foundation day Celebration of One Stop Centre, Nayagarh with Chief guest Collector & DM, Nayagarh

2nd foundation day Celebration of One Stop Centre, Nayagarh with Chief guest Collector & DM, Nayagarh

One Stop Centre at Nayagarh in the premises as district hospital celebrated its 2nd foundation day on date-05/11/2021 by its Chief Guest Dr. Poma Tudu IAS, District Magistrate and Collector Nayagarh. Other Guests  Dr. Dillip Panda Vice President, Anita Manjari  Samal Assistant Secretary of SMSS were present. Collector was Satisfied and praise worthy by functioning this “Sakhi” Centre working for ladies in distress besides torture, humiliation and rape. Moreover it is working as a safeguard for household ladies for all times to come.